Friday, January 15, 2010

Reading Like a Maniac

This week I joined up with Read 52 Book in 52 Weeks challenge.  I'm a little behind, joining later in January as I did, so I'll have to play a bit of catch-up.  I don't know that I'll be able to write reviews on each book, but I'll take a stab at posting reviews on as many as I can.

My Goodreads monthly e-newsletter came yesterday, so I plan to peruse that for some title suggestions.  I also have my "To Read" list at Goodreads, as well.  If you have any suggestions for me, let me know!

And if you feel up to it, join in the challenge as well.  Why not, eh?

1 comment:

  1. I get so involved with kids' books that there is not enough time to read 52 adult books in a year. My hubby would divorce me!! Well...

    I do belong to a book club though, so at least I get 11 good books read each year.I love the evenings out with like minded book afficionados as well.


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