Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up(s): Playing Catch-Up

 I've missed writing Wrap-Ups for two weeks prior to this week, for various reasons, most of which involve life at break-neck speed and upsets. I've blogged about some of those already, and you can read the posts if you'd like.

Last week, the hubbub was about getting ready for Tiny Girl's next horse show. The weather was not good, so we had to practice ride when we could. This meant fitting school in between show preparations.

On Friday, she spent a good deal of time cleaning her tack. We'd discovered the night before that her show shirt no longer fit, necessitating a trip to the store Friday morning to find a blue shirt. Nothing like last minute things to do that you hadn't planned to do!

Saturday morning, we were up super early and at the equestrian park before 7 AM, Chick-fil-a chicken biscuits and coffee in hand. Tiny Girl could only manage a chocolate shake, which I made at home before we left.

It was a big weekend for us. Tiny Girl and Tappy the pony showed both days, and we added divisions as we went along because they did so well.

Cantering along

 Over crossrails

 Jasper had a great time both days. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, though.
He's always SO serious for photos.

One of the divisions we added included a crossrails course, as opposed to just four in a square shape. Tiny was really excited about this.

On Sunday, we added a prehunter over fences division, which featured vertical jumps courses (as opposed to crossrails). I did not get any photos of this, and I don't remember why! Probably because I was anxiously watching my child.

The ribbons she and Tappy earned

We've had a lovely spring break this week: playing with friends, meeting friends for lunch, enjoying a few craft projects, reading, and the like. I feel refreshed and ready to start our homestretch toward summer. I'm also getting excited about planning for next year. We'll need to play catch-up this summer a bit to stay on track, but that's okay. We always enjoy reading good books.

That's a snapshot of our last couple of weeks. I hope things are good at your house!


  1. Your post is even relaxing to read. And it is a treat to see your girl with her horse.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your week.
    I love your weekly wrap ups! Should I add this too? On one hand is one more commitment to my plate, but I love the factor of reflecting on our weeks.
    I'll see!
    A big hug,

  2. One of the great things about homeschooling is the option of stretching things out a bit when life gets in the way or interrupts a bit ;)
    Congrats to Tiny Girl & Tappy ;) Love the Ribbons!

  3. What a fun weekend! Congrats on all the ribbons!

  4. What a great week! Kudos to your daughter on all of those ribbons!

  5. Wow love these. Congrats to her for all the ribbons. I would love to learn how to ride.

  6. Wow! That's quite the pile of ribbons! I know nothing about that sort of thing, so I don't know what's typical, but it looks impressive to me!

  7. Super congrats to TG, and oh, what a lovely front Jasper has (from his breeder's point of view - sorry, I couldn't resist, I was so pleased.)


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